It is hard to imagine that an entire year has passed already, and now it is time for the MBA of International Luxury Brand Management Class of 2014-2015 to graduate! This past year has been an enriching experience for all of us in so many ways. We have travelled the globe to learn luxury business first-hand from established and emerging markets alike. Our class has been personally invited to visit the “maisons” of the top luxury companies and we have been so fortunate as to receive advice and insights from alumni as well as major industry players.

As our class graduates and we prepare to bid “adieu” to our year together in Paris, it is hard to believe that it is time to start the next chapter in our professional lives. We have all grown and learned so much this year, but it is comforting to know that this is not “au revoir” but only “à bientôt!” Only time will tell where our careers will lead us, but we now have friends that we can visit all over the world!